Poetry Selection Event

Please join me on Sunday, January 19, from 2-5 pm at Third Space Café on Queen St., Niagara Falls, Ont. for a poetry selection event.

We will collectively select the poems of Niagara Falls that will appear on the Poetry Walking Tour of Niagara Falls mobile app that I am developing. First we’ll get together in small groups and pick the best 2 poems presented to your group. Then we’ll get together as a whole group, read them out, and decide which ones are the best. You don’t need any poetry experience, it’s just the ones you like best.

We will provide free food and drinks .

Please email me at aporteus@niagarapoetry.ca so I know how many people are coming. Please feel free to invite your friends.

I hope to see you at the poetry selection event!

poetry selection event

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