Casual References to Niagara Falls in Poems


The Horseshoe Falls at Night, May 2013 Photograph by Andrew Porteus

Casual references to Niagara Falls occur often in poetry. While these do not justify adding the complete poem to this site, it is interesting to see where they appear and by whom. As more are found, they will be added to this page.

Ai Ogawa. “Finished”  in Greed. New York: Norton, 1993.

Is it my screaming that finally stops you,
or is it the fear
that even you are too near the edge
of this Niagara to come back from?

Allott, Kenneth.  “Love and Herbert Spencer”  in Collected Poems.  London: Secker & Warburg, 1975

Herbert Spencer, of the simian face and side-whiskers,
Not being alive, called consciousness epiphenomenal;
The tic-ridden bachelor of the Athenaeum,
Who looked at Niagara and worked out its power in foot-pounds
Better to grow like coral, the slow fool of nature,
Than camouflaged in a cage of your own contriving.

Blanco, Richard. “Los Santos of the Living Room”  in Richard Blanco City of a Hundred Fires, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998

[….] In the china cabinet: souvenir plates and
toothpick holders from Niagara Falls, a miniature Flamenco doll with au-
thentic ivory comb and stomping shoes, fine porcelain espresso tacitas with
etched vine roses used only for high entertaining, a few genuine Lladró fig-
urines glazed in trademark shades of strict gray-blues, and los santos:


Bryant, William Cullen “Not Yet”  in The Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant.  New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1903

Knit they the gentle ties which long
These sister States were proud to wear,
And forged the kindly links so strong
For idle hands in sport to tear?
For scornful hands aside to throw?
No, by our fathers’ memory, No!

Our humming marts, our iron ways,
Our wind-tossed woods on mountain-crest,
The hoarse Atlantic, with its bays,
The calm, broad Ocean of the West,
And Mississippi’s torrent-flow,
And loud Niagara, answer, No!
July 1861
See also Bryant’s translation of Heredia’s Niagara.

Cameron, Norman Eustace.  “O Mighty Kaieteur”  in Guianese Poetry: Covering the Hundred Years’ Period 1831-1931. Georgetown, 1931

Proud is thy form, O mighty Kaieteur!
Guiana boasts of thee both far and near.
Thy beauty far excels Niagara,
Art thou the guardian of this hemisphere?

Campbell, Thomas. “Cora Linn, or the Falls of Clyde, Written on Revisiting it in 1837”  in The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. London: Oxford University Press, 1907

Dear Linn! let loftier falling floods
Have prouder names than thine;
And king of all, enthroned in woods,
Let Niagara shine.

Canning, Josiah Dean. “Lines Addresses to a Young Lady, Inclosing a Volume.” in his Poems by Josiah Dean Canning. Greenfield: Phelps and Ingersoll, Printers, 1838.

Till silent Luna shall complain
Her lot is hard to wax and wane;
Yea, till the wide, unfathomed main
Shall dry away,
And thou shalt cease thy awful strain,

Canning, Josiah Dean. “Song” in Canning, Josiah Dean. The Harp and the Plough by the Peasant Bard. Greenfield: M.H. Tyler, 1852

Vast region! from whose ample midst
Niagara’s anthem swells:
Here is the home of Liberty,
And here her spirit dwells.

Clare, John.  “Song [Scenes of Love and Days of Pleasure”  in The Later Poems of John Clare: 1837-1864.  Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984

By the falls of proud Niagara
Soon I’ll hear the roar lassie
Then I’ll think of bonny Mary
On a foreign shore lassie
Where the dog star burns and broils
And the chasms chaldron boils
Whose spray the very heaven assails
There I’m going to bide lassie

Clarke, George Elliott. “Whitewash” in Vallum: Invisibility, vol. 18, no. 1 [digital extra]

White is Niagara’s smears and streaks singeing wet, black rocks

Coleman, Wanda.  “Dream 1345”  in Hand Dance.  Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1993

[….] his stream
of urine is forceful and the roar of Niagara rises
from the toilet bowl.  [….]

Cook, Eliza. “Be Kind When You Can” in The Poetical Works of Eliza Cook. New York: Scribner, Welford & Co., 1870.

‘Tis but drops that unite in Niagara’s fountain,

Cox, Terrance. “The Country South of Trenton.” Queen’s Quarterly, vol 121, issue 1, Spring, 2014

On roads in winter little travelled,
one almost-island to another,
from Niagara to Prince Edward County,
by loop around the Lake, I’ve come
in search of A1 Purdy,
not exactly invited, [….]

D’Aguiar, Fred. from “Elegy” in Callaloo. vol. 31, issue 4 (Fall 2008)

Some of us walk on our hands for comfort
Others tiptoe and the people in pairs give
Each other piggybacks – better one pair of feet,
Than two, better still if this sun can be turned
Back to a time when the half moons of fingernails
Kept us busy, and the big picture was a CNN catastrophe:
A man going over Niagara Falls in a barrel;
A medical team undoing the reef knot of conjoined twins.

Dahlberg, Edward. “two poems” in Poetry, vol. 83, no 4, January 1954

The Niagara River has the leap of the mountain cat

Davin, Nicholas Flood. “Forward”  in Eos: An Epic of the Dawn, and Other Poems. Regina: Leader, 1889

From where Niagara’s awful plunge
‡‡Makes it eternal roar

De la Tierra, Tatiana. “Porcupine Love” in Porcupine Love and Other Tales From My Papaya. Buffalo: Chibcha Press, 2005.

I am at Niagara Falls, throwing sacred collares into the rapids. [….]

De Maris, Ron.  “Osprey Sushi” in Atlanta Review, vol 16, ussie 1, Fall 2009

Yes, you, riding that
Invisible ridge, weightless, a seed pod in a Niagara,
And you drop like a stone, wings flat
And tucked to your side going wherever your whim
Will take you, claws tilted like landing wheels, raw
Speed without limit, better than skis, the trim
Of your tail adjusting to swerve this way or another
By the mere lift of a feather while you loop
Low over the sea’s face, brain heady with power
and the display case of the reef offers its delights
Like a servant to master. [….]

Dean, Roy. Unnamed palindrome poem in “Godfrey Smith’s Column” Sunday Times, December 27, 1987

Note: this is a palindrome, which reads the same forwards and backwards

Niagara, fall afar again

Drury, Susie. “My Canada” in Susie Drury, Maple Leaves. London: Daily Free Press Steam Book & Job Printing Establishment, 1871.

Here, grand and wild Niagara booms
O’er justting rocks to floods below,
Whose steaming mists forever loom
Above the horrid din and flow.

Dunn, Douglas. “Spoken to by Six (for three voices: the hags’, a nun-doctor who asked one question, and mine)”  in The Happier Life. London: Faber & Faber, 1972.

Now we are six,
It is six years since you took
The snapshot at Niagara three hours before
Smiling in a row of three
At the edge of the blue, roaring lament
For the lost minerals of the continent.

Elliott, Ebenezer. “Burns” in The Poetical Works of Ebenezer Elliott. London: Henry S. King & Co., 1876.

Grieve not, though, by the torrent,
Its headlong course was riven,
When o’er it came, in clouds and flame,
Niagara from heaven!

Elliott, Ebenezer. “Prologue to Watt Tyler, A Play, by John Watkins” in The Poetical Works of Ebenezer Elliott. London: Henry S. King & Co., 1876.

We tremble when the ocean, white with foam,
Hails the deep voice of rivers roaring home,
And the black sky, which fire’s wild instinct rends,
Like a Niagara of clouds descends;

Everett, Alexander H. “Versification of the Beginning of the Last Book of the Martyrs.” in his The American Common-Place Book of Poetry, With Occasional Notes. Baltimore: Charles Carter — Carter, Hendee and Babcock, 1831.

I wooed thee oft in western wood afar,
Where stranger foot has never trod before,
By Twilight dim, or light of evening star,
Listening to Niagara’s roar;
And Nature’s self, and thou, didst inspiration pour.

Ewart, Gavin.  “The Lovesong Waltzes”  in Collected Poems, 1980-1990. London: Hutchinson, 1991

Polished wood in marble halls,
manly and marvellous the balls,
breeches are tight
in the candlelight—
till Love bursts out like Niagara Falls!

Fairfield, Sumner Lincoln. “Music Amalgamated” in The Poems and Prose Writings of Sumner Lincoln Fairfield. Philadelphia: Printed for the Proprietor, 1841.

Niagara thunders music down,
The earthquake thunders up;

Flaccus. “Passaic: A Group of Poems Touching That River.” in The Knickerbocker, vol. 18, 1841.

PRIMEVAL Rivers ! ancient as the hills !
From immemorial ages have ye run
From mountain unto sea : your busy brooks
Still singing endless songs ; your solemn falls
Pealing aloft their ever-during hymn,
Unwearied : mightiest thine, Niagara !
The loudest voice which Earth sends up to Heaven.

Freneau, Philip Morin. “On the Lake Expeditions” in Poems of Freneau. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1929

The city had Niagara
Mohawk bearing down with power and light
and members of the Local
shifting on the line.

Gilfillan, Robert. “Dirge to the Memory of John Wilson, Vocalist” in Gilfillan, Robert. Poems and Songs. London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co. / Sutherland and Knox, 1851

His dirge the Niagara’s troubled roar!

Gilman, Caroline Howard. “The American Boy” in Gilman, Caroline Howard. Verses of a Life Time. Boston: James Munroe and Company, 1849

Awake it mid the rushing peal
Of dark Niagara’s voice,

Glen, William. “ODE TO THE MEMORY OF MAJOR-GENERAL ROSS, Who was killed on the 12th Sept. 1814, near Baltimore” in his Poems: Chiefly Lyrical. Glasgow: Stanhope Press, 1815

Far on Kentucky’s boundless waste,
Or Susquehanna’s dreary plain,
Where Niagara sweeps in haste
To join the main:

There where the tomahawk of war,
Is wielded in the warrior’s hand,
Brave Ross’s name in wilds afar,
Will cheer the band.

Gregory, Horace. “Mutum Est Pictura Poema”  in Gregory Horace.  Collected Poems.  New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1964

“Do not curse me:
It was my friend
who framed these sketches
of dying tulips in a glass,
of potted rosetrees, and a street scene
that might be Alexandria or Venice
or New Orleans or perhaps an unfamiliar
noon-struck vision of an overnight hotel
at Niagara Falls.

Guenther, Gabriele. “Portrait of an Affliction”  in Fiddlehead, issue 195, Spring 1998

[…] That wonderful
paddle of a tongue bandaged shut
behind a smile en route to China, Bali, Male
or Niagara. [….]

Hall-Stevenson, John. “A Tory Ode” in his The Works of John Hall-Stevenson. Corrected & Enlarged ed. London, 1795.

Our laws like thunderbolts are hurl’d,
And echo’d round the conquer’d world,
Their voice the stoutest heart appals,
Sachems in awful horror bound,
Hear not with wonder more profound
Niagara’s tremendous falls.

Halleck, Fitz-Greene. “An Epistle To — ” in The Poetical Writings of Fitz-Greene Halleck. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1869.

Or sketching Niagara, pencil on knee
(The giant of waters our country’s pet lion)

Hamilton, Janet. “Remonstrance'” in Janet Hamilton. Poems and Essays of a Miscellaneous Character on Subjects of General Interest. Glasgow: Paton and Ritchie – Thomas Murray and Son, 1863.

Awake! no more of conquest dream;
The State boat’s on Niagara’s stream —
She nears the rapids — it would seem
That she must perish while you dream
Of triumph in the quarrel.

Hayes, Catherine E. Simpson. “North-West Territories. in Prairie Pot-Pourri. Winnipeg, The Stovel Co., Printers, 1895

Niagara, like strong-limbed swain, our love beguiles;

Hicok, Bob.  “A Simple Man’s Inadvertent Treatise on Celibacy”.  in The Southern Review, vol 45, Issue 1, Winter 2009

“How was it,” he asked his wife,
“kissing me at the altar
without me?” “The priest
stood in for you,” she said,
which explained the priest’s hand
up her dress. So it was
that the church sent him a letter,
you owe us one priest,
after his wife drove off
with the priest to Niagara, where everyone
goes to take the symbolism.

Hoffman, Charles Fenno. “The Laurel” in Hoffman, Charles Fenno. The Poems of Charles Fenno Hoffman. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1873.

Yes, long ere then, on Alleghan’s bright mountains,
Na-nabozho had seen the laurel growing,
With berries gleaned in Adirondach fountains,
Or cup mist-filled near Niagara’s flowing:

Hosmer, William H.C. “The Pioneers of Western New York” in The Poetical Works of William H.C. Hosmer. New York: Redfield, 1854

And near his couch of dust, Niagara makes moan

Hosmer, William H.C. “Themes of Song” in The Poetical Works of William H.C. Hosmer. New York: Redfield, 1854

And Niagara, when the storm is loud,
Who drowns the deep roar of the thunder-cloud,
Clad in his bright, magnificent array,
Of rain-bow, storm, white foam, and torrent spray,
Woo genius forth to win a crown of light,
And plume his pinion for an epic flight —

Hughes, Ted. “The Bird”  in Ted Hughes.  Birthday Letters. London, Faber & Faber, 1998

You willed it to get going all over again,
Spit one spark of woe through the frozen suds
That draped the gutted building
Like a solid Niagara.

Hughes, Ted. “18 Rugby Street” in his Collected Poems. London, Faber & Faber, 2005

[….]Opposite the entrance
On a bombsite becoming a building site
We clutched each other giddily
For safety and went in a barrel together
Over some Niagara. Falling
In the roar of soul your scar told me—
Like its secret name or its password—
How you had tried to kill yourself.[….]

Hughes, Ted.  “Starlings Have Come”  in his Collected Poems, 2005

Then, with a soft boom, they wrap you
Into their mind-warp, assembling a nightmare sky-wheel
Of escape—a Niagara
Of upward rumbling wings—that collapses again
In an unmanageable weight
Of neurotic atoms.

Iverem, Esther.  “Earth Screaming”  in The Time: Portrait of a Journey Home: Poems and Photographs. Trenton: Africa World Press, 1993

No Niagara Falls could stop progress,
No deadly beauty, no deafening, gleaming barrier,
whose every drop says, “Do Not Enter.”

Jenkins, Robert S. “Lampman” in his Poems of the New Century, First Series: Minor Lyric and Narrative Poems. Toronto: William Briggs, 1903

[….] that he has oped
A tiny rift through which a rivulet
May pass a while, till it has worn a bed
For a vast current like Niagara.

Johnson, Emily Pauline (Tekahionwake) “The Re-internment of Red Jacket” in her Collected Poems and Selected Prose, 2005

She beckons me where old Niagara leaps;

Kavanagh, Patrick. Lines Written on a Seat on the Grand Canal, Dublin.

[…] Brother
Commemorate me thus beautifully
Where by a lock niagarously roars
The falls for those who sit in the tremendous silence
Of mid-July. […]
Click to see the complete poem.

Kornblatt, Marc. “Ode to Senate Bill 300” in Madison: Capital Times, October 25, 1989

I see waste oil rivers flowing
Like Niagara’s mighty falls.

Mabuza, Lindiwe. “Footprints and Fingerprints”  in The Black Scholar, vol. 29, issue 2/3, Summer 1999

Your fingerprints confirm with will and
With the thrill
Of prolific impala horns
Blowing through
The thundering smoke of Niagara

MacNeice, Louis. “Harvest Thanksgiving” in his Collected Poems, 2007

The fruit upon the windows consecrate,
Not like the labelled fruit at the grocer’s,
Will lie so still, unlike the fruit that wantonly
Tossed on the tree like Niagara’s rampant foam.

Marshall, Jen. “Silent Hurricane” in The Dragon Chronicle (Cortland, NY) April 22, 2004

Softly sprinkling over me,
Feeling like the mists of
Niagara Falls.

Matos, Luis Pales. “Prelude in Puerto RicanTranslated by Roberto Marquez  in The Massacusetts Review, vol. 41, no. 1, Spring 2000

[….] Cuba from street dancing glides, billowing sail on the wind,
with swiveling hips reeling in
its blond Niagara tourist tides. 

McGuigan, Lorraine. “Touching the Names” in Social Alternatives, vol 32, issue 2 (2013).

Niagara Falls someone murmurs

McIntyre, James. “Holland River and Its Tributaries” in Poems of James McIntyre.  Ingersoll: The Chronicle, 1889.

Mingling with Huron and St. Clair,
Erie and Niagara River,
Even at the Falls it don’t despair,
But it cheerful flows forever.

McIntyre, James. “Lines on Thorold” in Poems of James McIntyre.  Ingersoll: The Chronicle, 1889.

And you clearly see the haze
Where Niagara doth amaze.
You see Niagara’s ancient town
Though it has lost its old renown

McIntyre, James. “Province of Ontario” in Poems of James McIntyre.  Ingersoll: The Chronicle, 1889.

Then behold its wondrous charms
When embraced in Niagara’s arms.
And the lands around its beaches,
They are fames for grapes and peaches,
‘Mong choicest fruits you ramble on
From Niagara to Hamlton.

McLachlan, Alexander. “The Young Highland Rover” in Poems by Alexander M’lachlan. Toronto: John C. Geikie, 1856

I’ve wander’d the hills and the vales of the west;
I’ve stood where Niagara dashes in thunder;

Milanés, José Jacinto.  “Al Primer Cantor Cubano: José María Heredia”  in Obras Completas De José Jacinto Milanés, Tomo I: Poesias. Havana, 1920

En la coronación de la señorita doña Ursula Devilie la noche del 8 de Enero de 1843

Mi Lira emmudeció cuando moriste,
noble cantor del Niágara espumoso;
porque no es bien que el infortunio triste
pierda al morir la pompa del reposo.

Moir, David Macbeth. “Mary’s Mount” in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 7, no 40. July, 1820

Know ye the tenor of his fate ? —
A fugitive among his own;
A weed on Niagara thrown;

Molloy, Dorothy.  “Freed Spirit” in her Gethsemane Day, 2006

Niagara cascades down my neck [….]

Moncrieff, William Thomas. “The Kentuckian!” in W.T. Moncrieff An Original Collections of Songs, Sung at the Theatres Royal, Public Concerts &C. &C. London: John Duncombe, 1850

I can wade the Mississippi,
And can jump the Ohio;
In a tub can, in a jiffy,
Up the Niagara go.

Moore, MarianneAn Octopus.

[….]the water ouzel
with ‘its passion for rapids and high-pressured falls,’
building under the arch of some tiny Niagara; [….]
Click to see the complete poem 

Moore, Thomas. “To the Hon. W.R. Spencer” (from Buffalo, on Lake Erie)

Even now, as wandering upon Erie’s shore
I hear Niagara’s distant cataract roar,
I sigh for home—alas ! these weary feet
Have many a mile to journey, ere we meet

Moore, Thomas. “To the Lady Charlotte Rowdan,” 1804

I dreamt not then, ere the rolling year
Had filled his circle, I should wander here
In musing awe ; should tread this wonderous world,
See all its store of island waters hurl’d
In one vast volume down Niagara’s steep,

There amid the island sedge,
Just upon the cataract’s edge,
Where the foot of living man
Never trod since time began,
Lone I sit at close of day.

Moran, Patrick. “Palindroning (pal’in-dron’ing)” in The Antioch Review; Yellow Springs vol 69, issue 2, Spring 2011

[….] Niagara O roar again,[….]

Myers, Jed A. “Entries: Where the Towers Were”  in Systems and Health, vol. 22(1) Spring 2004

towering glass, hard liquid
twisting the dazzle of noon, and refracting
the electric galaxy
of Manhattan’s night, remaking itself
by the moment, by wire, by bulb,
the current of the wide grid
born at Niagara.

Nair, R.P.  “Infinity of Red.  Kavya Bharati: A Review of Indian Poetry, 2010.

Marilyn Monroe’s red dress in Niagara

Parkes, Henry. “Nellie” in The Beauteous Terrorist and Other Poems. Melbourne: George Robertson & Company, 1885

On, on, through Winter’s snows that sweep
And drift around Canadian farms;
On, on, the Rapids foam and leap,—
A magic name my memory charms.

At last, in wandering pride, I see
Niagara’s eternal Falls!
But, ‘midst the scene entrancing me,
My Nellie for her lover calls.

Reed, Tennessee.  “Pact WIth the Devil”  in Airborne: Poems 1990-1996. Juneau: Raven’s Bones Press, 1996

I can tell this tale
because I was once
one of these women
heading toward Buffalo
to escape through
Niagara Falls
to Canada

Riley, Denise. “Dark Looks”  in Mop Mop Georgette.  Cambridge: Reality Street Editions, 1993

and as she frets the minute wars scorch on through paranoias of the unreviewed
herded against a cold that drives us in together—then pat me more, Coventry
to fall from anglo-catholic clouds of drifting we‘s high tones of feeling down
to microscopic horror scans of tiny shiny surfaces rammed up against the nose
cascading on Niagara, bobbed and jostled, racing rusted cans of Joseph Cotten reels
charmed with his decent gleam: once we as incense-shrouded ectoplasm gets blown
fresh drenched and scattered units pull on gloss coats to preen in their own polymer:

Roberts, Charles George Douglas.  “Canadian Streams”  in The Collected Poems Of Sir Charles G. D. Roberts.  Wolfville: The Wombat Press, 1985

Niagara of glorious graves!
Your bulwark hills, your valleys broad,
Streams where De Salaberry trod,
Where Wolfe achieved, where Brock was slain,—
Your voices are the voice of God!

Sandburg, Carl. “Good Morning, America” in The Complete Poems of Carl Sandburg. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970.

Niagara is a fact or a little bluebird cheeping in a flight over the Falls —
Chirping to itself: What have we here? And How come?

Sandburg, Carl. The People, Yes. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1936. 

This is the source and the headwater
Of tomorrow’s Niagara of action, monotony, action,
rapids, plungers, whirlpool and mist
of the people and by the people,

Sangster, Charles. “Taapookaa: A Huron Legend” in William Douw Lighthall (ed.) Songs of the Great Dominion. London: Walter Scott, 1889

From the banks of Cadaraqui,
From Niagara’s solitudes,
Where the song of the Water Spirit
Rolled vast through the primal woods.

Schwartz, Delmore. “The True-Blue American”  in Summer Knowledge: New and Selected Poems: 1938-1958. Garden City: New Directions, 1967

“Both: I will have them both!” declared this true-blue American
In Cambridge, Massachusetts, on an April Sunday, instructed
By the great department stores, by the Five-and-Ten,
Taught by Christmas, by the circus, by the vulgarity and grandeur of
Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon,

Shillaber, B.P. “To a Poet” in Shillaber, B.P. Lines in Pleasant Places. Chelsea: B.P. Shillaber, 1874

The humble brook its song may pour,
The ripple murmur on the shore,
The bird with simple note upsoar,
As perfect shown,
As is Niagara’s thunder-roar,
Or tempest’s tone.

Sigourney, Lydia Huntley. “The Elm-Trees. in her Pocahontas, and Other Poems. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1841.

Or where sublime Niagara shakes
The wonder-stricken soul,

See poems about Niagara Falls by Lydia Sigourney
•    Farewell to Niagara
•    The Hermit of The Falls
•    Niagara  (Flow on forever, in thy glorious robe)
•    Niagara (Up to the Table-Rock, where the great flood)

Sigourney, Lydia Huntley. “Indian Names” in her Selections From The American Poets. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1840.

‘Tis where Ontario’s billow
Like ocean’s surge is curl’d
Where strong Niagara’s thunders wake
The echo of the world,

See poems about Niagara Falls by Lydia Sigourney
•    Farewell to Niagara
•    The Hermit of The Falls
•    Niagara  (Flow on forever, in thy glorious robe)
•    Niagara (Up to the Table-Rock, where the great flood)

son4hees (reddit handle) Distant Karma

[….] Towards the end I stopped answering your texts and calls
Right now id pay a million dollars to bring you to Niagara Falls
The guilt of what I did to me finally caught up to me [….]
Click to see the complete poem

Stuart-Wortley, Emmeline. “Lines to America” in Stuart-Wortley, Emmeline. In Honour to Labour, a Lay of 1851. London: W.N. Wright, 1851

[…]How dost thou scorn each bound, each barrier brave,
Reversing thine own dread Niagara’s course,
That falls,—as though its goal were but its grave,—
That ever falls, with downward-thundering force,
While thou still risest,—Eagle-like on high,
To track sublimer Sun-paths of the sky.

Thornbury, Walter. “Temple Bar” in Historical & Legendary Ballads & Songs. London: Chatto and Windus, 1876

And even where Niagara roared,
And, like a final deluge, poured
Majestically calm;

Trowbridge, J. T.   “Trouting”  in The Poetical Works of John Townsend Trowbridge. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1903

Dear world! let summer tourists range
Your great highways in quest of change,
Go seek Niagara and the sea,—
This little nook suffices me!

Tupper, Martin Farquhar. No. VI. Honours and Defences. in Martin Farquhar Tupper In Our Canadian Dominion. London: F. Algar, 1868.

As War with his laurel was eager to deck
For conquests of old each illustrious name,
As Brock of Niagara, Wolfe of Quebec,
Arre throned on their columns, high trophied in fame

Warren, Thomas Herbert. “The Microcosm” in By Severn Sea and Other Poems. London: John Murray, 1898.

Yes! here will I lay me down
By this pool and this fall of thine,
And watch the droplets gather and glitter and slip
From the pendent mosses that fringe the edge
Of thy tiny channel, or tip
Some infinitesimal ledge.

Since not Niagara’s self
Is more wondrous one whit than this,
Though it swoop a sea from a continent shelf
To plunge in an ocean abyss:

Warton, Thomas. “For the Year 1760” in his The Poetical Works of the Late Thomas Warton. 5th ed. Oxford: At the University Press for W. Hanwell and J. Parker, 1802.

Ticonderago, and Niagara,
Make each true Briton sing O rare a!

Watt, William. “The Last View of Erin” in William Watt. Poems, On Sacred and Other Subjects; and Songs Humorous and Sentimental. Glasgow: William Eadie & Co., 1860.

“O my country,” he falter’d, “an endless farewell,
For whose freedom my forefathers both fought and fell:
Ah! my sad bosom thrills to its innermost core,
Thus to leave thee for dark Niagara’s wild roar,

Weaver, Afaa Michael.  “In C.W.’s Closet” in In Timber and Prayer: The Indian Pond Poems. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995

Your father stands in his rebuke
of DuBois, the black rabble rouser,
after the Niagara Falls convention.

Whitman, Walt. As Consequent From Store of Summer Rains in Leaves of Grass)

As consequent from store of summer rains,
Or wayward rivulets in autumn flowing,
Or many a herb-lined brook’s reticulations,
Or subterranean sea-rills making for the sea,
Songs of continued years I sing.

Life’s ever-modern rapids first, (soon, soon to blend,
With the old streams of death.)

Some threading Ohio’s farm-fields or the woods,
Some down Colorado’s cañons from sources of perpetual snow,
Some half-hid in Oregon, or away southward in Texas,
Some in the north finding their way to Erie, Niagara, Ottawa,
Some to Atlantica’s bays, and so to the great salt brine.
Click to see the whole poem

Whittier, John Greenleaf. “Freedom’s Gathering” in Whittier, John Greenleaf. The Liberty Minstrel. New York: Leavitt & Alden, 1844

Niagara’s torrent shall thunder it forth,

Williams, Ian  “Prisoner Fantasy” Windsor Review, vol 45, issue 2, Fall, 2012

A wife who thinks
what the master really needs is a medallion. If you say so.
It’ll frame the light. Like a halo. I guess. That conversation,
as they approach the Niagara border and he presents the passports
of all four in the car – wife, boy thumbing a handheld videogame,
little girl in a car seat. To have the passports returned. To be
wished well by a man in uniform and called sir.

Williams, William Carlos.  “Prelude in Boricua Luis Palés Matos.”  in The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, Volume II, 1939-1962.  New York: New Directions Press, 1986.

From her jamboree, taking the trail,
Flies Cuba, all sails set
To gather on her haunches
The golden tourist Niagara.

Worley, Jeff.  “Sleeping With Two Women”  in The Southern Review, vol 35, issue 2, Spring 1999

[….] I nudged in
between them, and what happened in that bed, under the Niagara of snow, candlelight drawing hieroglyphs
on the walls, was simply that they inched toward me, close enough so that we were touching and not touching.