Thou image of the Almighty One, as on thy wave I gaze,
It seems as God from off his brow the shroud of time doth raise,
And in thy might I see the hand that cleft thy headlong way,
And the veil of the eternal throne in thy column’d clouds of spray —
The diadem of mercy in thy many-colored bow.
And the terrors of his anger in the gulf that boils below —
In thy thunder hear His voice — O! then how dare I speak of thee,
When thus the Godhead speaketh, vain man must silent be.
C. H. Cope comes from England.
Source: Table Rock Album and Sketches of the Falls and Scenery Adjacent. Buffalo: Steam Press of Thomas and Lathrops, copyright by Jewett, Thomas & Co.,1856c.1848
This link takes you to the scanned version of the 1855 version of Table Rock Album from the Hathi Trust
See the Table of Contents of the Table Rock Album on this site.