Untitled by Jeffrey Forster


One of the Monoliths in the Niagara Glen, Beside the Rapids
Image courtesy of Niagara Falls Public Library

It was quite the thrill
I must say of the muscled-out laugh to spend the day.
We were buff in our cocky youth. We had happy screams in our play.
Youthful innocence we were not gay.
Being at the monolith rock, a massive butterfly shape ’twas this dock.
Running uphill as we grasp the rope. We would lift our feet off the earth, it was quite dope.
The constant roar of the 4+ rapids was in our ear as we let go and in delight screamed as the fast water does flow.
We would submerge into silence and float for a short.
The current would pull us fast.
We would use our arms and legs to swim in quick.
And deep laughter that we were ashore.
And we were not swept into the rapids.
We cheated death once more.
We spent our summers having a fling..dreams of the invisible, you’re at the swing.
And a love of the thundering water it was our thing.

Source: Submitted by Jeffrey Forster.

Jeffrey Forster is a pen name.

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