‡‡Will it be a Niagara of wheel-pits and tail-races and factory wastes ? J. Horace McFarland
YE VENERABLE WATERS ! that declaim
‡‡Of hoar Antiquity and deeds remote,
‡‡And from the hollow of that thundrous throat
Breath’st thought to put our shallow schemes to shame !
Before the Norsemen or Columbus came
‡‡Westward across th’ untried Atlantic wave ;
Ay, ere the Red Sea saw the guiding Flame
‡‡That led the hosts of Israel, thou didst rave
With thy eternal tongue of fuming waters !
‡‡And shall the mongering hand of heedless men
‡‡With scornful touch thy loveliness disdain ?
Arise ! ye beauty-loving sons and daughters !
‡‡The Sovereign Spirit of this vocal glen
‡‡Shall give you thanks out of his awful fane !
Source: Arthur John Lockhart. The Birds of the Cross, and Other Poems. Winterport, Me.: C.R. Lougee, 1909.
Lockhart also wrote under the name “Pastor Felix”