Surging Water by Phillip W. Weiss

Phillip W. Weiss

Millions of gallons
of surging water,
unstopping, relentless,
swirling through the gorges,
hurdling over the rocks,
furiously charging, headlong,
like a mighty herd of buffalo
racing madly toward a precipice,
but on a scale
and with an intensity
that overwhelms the observer,
reducing one to a mere spectator,
humbled by the sound and the fury
of nature’s most enduring
exhibition of unbridled power
at a place called …
Niagara Falls

Listen to Surging Water by Phillip W. Weiss. Read by Oliver Porteus

Copyright (c) 2004 Phillip W. Weiss
Source: The author, 2004.

Surging Water is one of the poems featured on the Poetry Walking Tour of Niagara Falls

See his other poem on the site, Niagara Falls

Phillip W. Weiss’ literary website
Phillip W Weiss’ photographic website

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